Our Multispeciality Dental Clinic has been on the frontline to promote oral health through preventive and curative treatments since the beginning. Karnavati Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad, established in 2011, started a dedicated service in oral medicine; with passion, we pledge to help people suffering from dental problems. With more than a decade of experience, we aim to cater to your teeth' concerns by employing comprehensive diagnostic procedures, upgraded technology for treatments, along with quick healing and recovery methods. The high standard of our Dental Care Treatment is evident from the equipment we use, the laboratories we work in, and the precise results we've been getting. The team at our Dental Care Center, guided by the Dentist in Ahmedabad, Dr. Ankit M. Bhagora, is dedicated to ensuring the patient's comfort and hygiene through every approach toward maintaining their oral health.
The various Dental Treatment Procedures our Dentist in Ahmedabad offers are root canal treatment, teeth cleaning, whitening, orthodontic braces, laser treatment, pediatric tooth solutions, gums disease cure, restorative, endodontic, cosmetic dentistry, and a specialization in the field of teeth implantology, providing various types of teeth implants to remove faults, cavities, or decay and giving an enhanced look to your teeth. The routine checkups at our Dental Clinic in Ahmedabad have been extensively helpful in identifying teeth complications, followed by suggesting appropriate and advanced treatments for removing them and preventing their reoccurrence. We, the Best Dental Treatment Hospital, believe in achieving excellence in each aspect of Dentistry and offer the best of it to patients seeking better oral health.